TrackBack may not be a popular thing to most bloggers. Many do not even know about it and among those who are knowledgeable about TrackBack, never used it on their blogs. But, I will tell you that if you only know how to effectively use TrackBack, it will certainly bring you good blog traffic. So you have an idea by now on what exactly this post is all about. Let’s get started.It is best to start with what exactly a TrackBack is, how to do it, and making a test before we proceed to discuss on how to use it effectively to increase blog traffic.What is TrackBack?TrackBack is a system implemented by Movable Type and later adopted by many blogging tools, including TypePad, BoastMachine, WordPress, and Nucleus.
Essentially, TrackBack is a mechanism for communication between blogs. If a blogger writes a new post commenting on or referring to the post found on another blog and if both the commenting blogger’s blog and the other blog has TrackBack mechanism support, then the commenting blogger can notify the other blog with a "TrackBack ping" which means the other blog will automatically display a backlink and summaries of the commenting blogger’s new post at the post which had been cited to.
How Do We Notify The Other Blog with a TrackBack Ping?First, understand that not all blog has enable TrackBack functionality. When they do, you should see a TrackBack link at the bottom of the post. Once you find the link and you wish to talk about the post made by another blogger, click the TrackBack link of that post and copy the TrackBack URL.
Once you have that TrackBack URL, go to your own blog and create a new entry related to that post. Before posting your entry, paste the TrackBack URL in the space provided for TrackBacks. This will send the notification to the blog you referenced once you publish your entry. So, there, you’ve sent a TrackBack.Just make sure when you're sending TrackBack URLs that your blog entry is relevant to the one you are referring to. Otherwise, you will be perceived as a TrackBack spammer.
Send a Test Trackback! As a way to try this out, you can send a TrackBack ping to this post. Just click the TrackBack link located at the end of this post. There, you'll find the TrackBack URL for this entry, in this case ( Go to your blog, make a new entry talking about this post, paste the TrackBack URL and publish. If your ping worked, you should find your TrackBack reference the next time you click the TrackBack link of this post. If there are people who already sent TrackBack ping to the blog entry, you will find references to these TrackBacks as well.
How to use TrackBack Effectively Increase Blog Traffic?Remember, sending TrackBack ping to other blog will automatically create a backlink and summaries of the commenting blogger’s new post at the post which had been cited to. Unlike usual backlinks, backlinks made by TrackBack ping may not increase your search engine ranking but will still served as a doorway to your blog.To increase blog traffic using TrackBack, send TrackBack ping to high traffic blogs and popular blog post. This will cause a portion of their traffic flowing to your blog. Also send TrackBack ping to blogs whose theme are closely related to your blog as their loyal blog traffic will certainly be interested in your post.Again, just make sure when you're sending TrackBack ping that your blog entry is relevant to the one you are referring to.
Also, if you want to let people send TrackBack pings to your weblog, make sure that you have it enabled. Some blogging systems like Blogger need extra plugins or third party services to have TrackBack feature. To have this blog a Trackback feature I used a free third party services by HaloScan. I will talk more on HaloScan next time. Stay tuned!
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