Monday, August 27, 2007

Google AdSense Goes Rounded

Google AdSense has introduced an option which lets you customize the look of your ad by rounding edges. You can either change your ads with slightly rounded corners, very rounded corners or keep it square (default). Screenshot:


Slight Round Very Round

You’ll find this new option to choose corner style while generating your ad code in your AdSense dashboard. Alternatively, you can also inject appropriate line into your current ad code to round it off (remove text within brackets):

google_ui_features = “rc:10?; for very rounded corners
google_ui_features = “rc:6?; (for slightly rounded corners)
google_ui_features = “rc:0?; (square corners)


Since it’s new and different, novelty will certainly play it’s role in getting clicks. This might be a right opportunity to try your luck experimenting with colors and background colors. Usually, ads blended into the content delivery good results above the content. However, you can try blending out below or in the sidebar section. Share your results through comments.

Google’s Offical AdSense blog also reads that they’re working on more choices to customize your ad formats. I’m expecting a way to change fonts and dimensions of ad. Good Job, AdSense Team

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